15 September 2007

Product documentation continued...III

Today, I found recovered some concept sketches of my CD stand product in my sketch diary. As you can see from the sketches, I was playing around with some forms and I was also endeavouring to explore how I can integrate the functionality of a CD slot case into the form of a mechanical being known as a robot.

In the first sketch, I concentrated on form and I was trying to sketch a military robot model called "MADCAT". It is derived from a popular computer game titled "Mechwarriors" and the MADCAT is one of the most popular mechwarriors in the series. This is because of it's size, the stylish way it moves, it's ability to mount multi-missle launcher and of course it's cool name. However there was no interesting way of mounting a Mini-CD case within the robot unless the CD robot stand was massively huge like a monument.

In the 2nd Sketch, I focussed on trying to figure out how to fit a CD slot into the robot form. I remember from the Mechwarrior PC game, there was one mechwarrior which had large round arms (I forgot it's model name) and I was thinking of slotting a mini-CD case into it's shoulder-arm joint. I did some 1:1 scale calculations on paper and since a mini CD-stand is roughly 8cm, this would make the shoulder-arm joint massive. Therefore I would have scale up the size of the entire robot body, but that would make the size of the body huge too! This would be inappropriate as a CD stand, since it's going to hold 1 mini-CD anyway. Therefore this idea isn't really feasible.

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