01 September 2007

Minisite 1 self-review

As I said before, minisite 1 look pretty bland. The layout structure is basic, with the menu on the left and body of the information in the middle. To fit the theme of my previous project, I added a image of gundam robots at the top of the website. Hopefully this will add some vibrancy to the webpage.

When I click on a link on the menu on the left of the page, it scrolls down to the particular topic quickly. I did this by using the (a href and a name) anchor tags. This will allow the user to effciency find what the want to read, especially if there is a lot of infomation going down the page. However, presentation wise, placing all information and images on one page is not very efficient. I think i'd rather have seperate xhtml index files to seperate different categories. Perhaps I will explore this more in depth later on for minisite 2.

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