11 October 2007

Minisite 2 Review

It's been a while since I uploaded Minisite 2. There are a few improvements compared with minisite 1.

The following issues are:
Screen Size/layout
Section Cue

In previous websites, I have made webpage resolution too large, so if users with smaller Monitor screens would have to uneccessarily scroll too much. Webpages with lots of text or images should have a longer background webpage to accommodate for that.

If you look under inspirational images, ther are lots of image, so I would therefore have to make the height of the background image longer in my CSS code to accommodate for that. However there is a problem with my code. Since I have the inspirational images section of the page long for the sake of fitting all the large images in, the construction photo section webpage also uses the same height of the webpage, but there is only 2 photos under the construction section. That means the excessive space below is it wasted. I will try to resolve this issue with my minisite 3.

In terms of readability, I have different font types to differentiate between body text and headings. I have set a futuristic font to comply with the website theme. Normal text can be editable via the html.

I have also set a section cue to allow the user to see what he wants when he hovers over the navigation menu words.

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