As mentioned previously, I have to work on how to show and present the images I will use on my website in a better way such that it gives more value to those images.
On cssplay.co.uk There is a layout called "Multi-page photo gallery". I have downloaded the source file to understand how it works.
The example file shows 3 tab. Portraits, Landscapes and Birds. When you hover your mouse over the category tabs, it changes colour and it also brings up the photos in a thumbnail array view. (see screenshot above)
When you hover your cursor over the images, the image enlargens by a certain percentage and when you click on it, it maximise to its biggest resolution so you can see a bigger view. However when you move you cursor away and out from the viewing box, the enlargened photos shrinks to it's original thumbnail size in the array view.
Link: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menu/lightbox3
I think this is an interesting way to allow users to preview multiple images quickly all at once and then gives the user flexible to enlargen what he or she chooses to zoom in at.
I will explore this option a bit further and see how I can implement this technique into my minisite 3.
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