15 October 2007

Javascript : Hide/Show Text

Two weeks ago, I managed to write a simple javascript function with the help of Eva. The aim of the classroom tutorial was to solve out how to show and hide more text in a document.

I made an external file and below shows the script:

// JavaScript Document// Expand text- one shot.
function et(rID){
if (document.getElementById){
var tID1 = document.getElementById(rID+1);
if (tID1.className == "ex") {
tID1.className = "ux";
else {
tID1.className = "ex";


The follow code below shows the html document: (note that I did not make another seperate external CSS file, so I just wrote it in the head.


show hide

(approx. 200K compresses to approx. 25k) The content is first edited in Tiddlywiki, then an HTML export of the content is written to a file. My parser processes this file further, as well as integrating it into other HTML fragments.


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