Today I found out that the difference between html and xhtml. Xhtml is more stricter and more cleaner. It will eventually replace html.
XHTML stands for Extensive Hyper Markup Language.
According to W3Schools.com:
XML was designed to describe data and HTML was designed to display data and by combing those strengths, it will lead to “well-formed” sites.
The Most Important Differences:
• XHTML elements must be properly nested
• XHTML elements must always be closed
• XHTML elements must be in lowercase
• XHTML documents must have one root element
To begin xhtml document, I to need plug in the doctype code before the html tag.
So I began editing my orginal website www.arch.usyd.edu.au/~pelu9930 to make it fits the laws of xhtml. I used the validation website: http://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_uri+with_options
However I did encounter a lot of errors. Fortunately I was able to reduce the number of errors and eventually it validated successfully.
However I still don't understand what the first 2 lines of code after the doctype is supposed to do. I see it as a meaningless link. (See above image)
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