14 August 2007

Old fashioned HTML part 1

I've been a bit slow to grasp with html, but I've learnt the basics of a html page.
I've quickly made a rough webpage which should have been done in the 2nd week.

I've also explored some html tutoring sites like w3schools.com and it has taught me how to make a new paragraph by using the paragraph tags. But that seems to be the only way to start a sentence on a new line!

Heading tags make the text bolder and bigger. If I wanted to find a particular part of infomation on a page will lots of infomation, I could first use anchor tag, see above image.

Linking tag: use the a href=" " tag

However I still don't know how to use the table tags to organise data. Apparently you can use it to structure website elements such as text and pictures, but its a dodgy way.

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